Random Commentary On The Litany Of Lies.
- The entire movie is a cruel parody of what could have been is African fathers were serious people with plans and visions for their continent to be great.
- Never forget that they chose 2 comedians to play the main roles, how seriously could the inventors have wanted you to take their ideas. Although I bet they wanted you to and it worked. The main actor btw in real life is a bum. Like Future, Nick cannon and them level type bum. Remember that.
- Sorry hun, there are simply no wealthy African princes worth your life unless their King is GOD
- It is social satire laced with racist exaggerations like elephant sounds in the background and literal ones just waltzing around in the fake palace at night. The whole thing was shot on a set after all. Seriously who came up with this stuff? What a cruel joke to play on people who you stripped of their identity.
We Africans in Africa be looking at y’all delusional African American women actually crushing on fictional princes in Africa instead of building with y’all’ s men like aww hun, that’s what the African prince WOULD have gotten if his parents were white. - The actual black princes is stuck with trying to keep up with the identity of this fake prince and so he has no option that to shamefully let his father sin and go to he’ll get it for him the lifestyle. Toddler.
- The movie’s effect on the black man abroad is that he’s stuck feeling inferior to a literal fiction of evil people’s imaginations and constantly trying to catch up with an imaginary figure. Never forget, not even Eddie is akim.
- And news flash, fresh prince isn’t a prince AT ALL either. Your two childhood heros, gone just like that.
- If Disney princesses were a psy-op against all women, then this was yours black man although the African woman abroad (obviously) caught the stray bullets.
- The movie is now so unwatchable, I can’t believe they had the audacity to do a sequel. Honestly every part of this movie could easily be a meme (in fact might as well been one)
- It was the perfect lie because it could have easily been the case that such a reality existed. Like wakanda just a little imagination amongst the “powers that be” and Africa could have been great. Alas, it is not. Not now at least.
- At least it got one thing right, Beta males are beta everywhere it would seem because Semi’s lips where a little too shinny for my taste. Him trying to over do his masculinity by being hyper promiscuous just made him doubly cringe. 40 days of fornication he says. Dumb dummy dumb dumb. If you have a counselor like that and you’re a prince, dump them. Fast.
- I wonder what effect did it have on “mothers of privilege” in Africa though? Who can know? Bought the Cool aid much sis? Twe
- Did too much in the sex department. The “African dancers” were actually too naked. (Whispers) Africa is unanimously decidedly more conservative than that.
- The singing fat man is decidedly ewww
- Two comedian (therefore fake) actors huh? Wonder why.
- They definitely did a good job defining fake black masculinity for a generation.
- Why was the black princess in Africa an airhead? Eg “bark like a dog”? Seriously? That an insult to what submission to a husband actually is. And do orangutans even sound like that..? Who the heck knows? Correctness wasn’t really their concern with this movie.
- Why was the African American bride basic?
- The dialogue is atrocious. Littered with childish and low key racist conversations through out.
- That CARICATURE of a father portrayed by the Disgusting fake king is ridiculous.
- The whole thing is like a giant cruel Meme.
- The shot of the defaulted concord airplanes was a slap in the face but also icing on a shitty cake.
- The movie was excellent at misrepresenting New York Americans.
- It is littered with Caricature characters through out. They were like the meme versions of each demographic they represented.
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