People are quick to quote “God is Love” as a cover for their treachery and vile behavior. Your kind will be stunned to find that Him being a loving God doesn’t mean that He seizes to be Just, and Righteous Or Holy. In fact BEING Love necessitates Him to embody all of those things. Pray tell, What else is He not “permitted” to be in your book, because he is simultaneously love? To all y’all who want a one dimensional GOD whilst allowing yourselves to be free to be multifaceted, guess what you’re never going to get, The version of God you prefer and so have tricked yourself into believing. That’s what. Until you accept the God who Will love you and cast you down (like satan eventually learned) A GOD who allows Himself to love you and simultaneously prune you, One who will love you and ultimately cast your rebellious ass to hell (and into the lake of fire after that) Until you accept all these realities of Him as truth and coexisting then you haven’t even began to know GOD yet. God cannot be boxed. Endeavor to always remind yourself that He made you and the box so all you’ll achieve if you insist on trying to box Him is a corner of your limited comprehension of love is that you’ll deceive and or entrap your damned self. God is Judge and the responsibility of that position is universally understood to be righteousness. So it would do you a world of good to teach yourself this truth and accept it now that even with a broken heart and tears in His eyes GOD will always do the right thing. On THAT, you can always bank on.
For the Lord corrects and disciplines everyone whom He loves, and He punishes, EVEN SCOURGES, every son whom He accepts and welcomes to His heart and cherishes. Hebrews 12:6