“First of all, that’s just vile. God would never call whatever is depicted in that first image good, not sure any father can. In case you haven’t noticed, God has an excellent eye for pretty, so the thought of him creating a neanderthal doesn’t fit His character. (But I guess you’d have to know Him to know that)
Anyone Else Find It Hilarious That The Bible Doesn’t Even Give A Gap For The ‘Cave Man’ Concept To Be Acknowledged At All? Like genealogically speaking, ALL the eras of man are already accounted for. The Bible leaves precisely zero space for the insertion of imaginary cave men. If Cain was already building cities and his brother military weapons, where was the space where primitive cave men existed again? By Nimrod’s era and the babel saga MANS was already building skyscrapers. Cave men where please?
Honestly, It’s like the Bible has always presented Man as intelligent and sophisticated from the very beginning while ‘science’ paints a picture of of a dumb and unintelligible being which up unti recently was basically indistinguishable from an animal.
It basically all boils down to Who’s report you’ll choose to believe. One of love or one of obviously covert hatred for Man.”Not even Adam was a cave man and since the Bible literally says there was no man before him, who’s this cave man they keep referencing?
They can’t be right sooo everyone must pick one. On one hand Gods says He knows our origin, He wrote it once and has never changed what He said. On the other hand, Science theoretically thinks it knows but still conveniently changes its mind every 5 seconds to a generation or so.
If you chose to believe that you are a descendant of apes, I have no problem with you believing that you are. I promise.