“I heard somewhere that a narcissist is just a person who was traumatized before the age of 12 and never found a way to heal the soul. No matter how old this person becomes they are still trapped as a wounded kid. This person is frozen in time, unable to grow. It’s no wonder then that the satan’s network works overtime to attack children. Rape, violence and war, molestation, rejection, fear, pornography, poverty, death, bullying, school related pressures, divorce, etc there’s a lot being thrown at children especially now.
Then I learned today that a traumatized person’s heart is disconnected from their head. So their basic functions like reasoning with the mind, their sight, hearing are all tainted and compromised making their interpretations inevitably distorted. This theory sound right to me because Your heart and head are both vital for your wholeness. One without the other is a severe handicap. If one could suffice God wouldn’t have give en you both. Your heart feels and your head thinks or reasons. A broken link is devastating to anyone’s ability to function according to design. Someone’s sin against us causes Pain, shame and guilt which causes resentment, rebellion, rage, envy, un-forgivness, strife etc which inevitably leads to an insistence on sinful living. It’s the funnel of sin. The satan uses it well. the world influences people to plant seeds of pain in other people so that sadness, hatred, anger, worthlessness, covetousness, etc can grow. The earlier the better. Use people to propagate sin in people by attaching them with sin. Sin breeding sin by weaponizing people against people basically operating on a loop.
Many conversations are now happening about the reality of spiritual warfare, I believe one of the aims of that war is to make you harden your heart against GOD and against people. If you allow people and the spirits behind them, you will harden your heart in response to their evil acts and cruelty towards you. Allowing God to avenge you while keeping your hands clean will be your greatest defense weapon a.k.a FORGIVENESS. Otherwise, you could basically become wicked trying to fight a wicked person, at least that’s what the devils hope fore, that wicked people would keep making more people wicked. A person sinning against you is just satan’s bait. Your heart is the target. Since we already established that God hates weaklings here, It must be clarified that a strong heart yielded to God and is committed to live a disciplined lifestyle is NOT the same as having a hardened heart. Don’t let anyone gaslight you into believing so. God suggests you guard your heart not harden it. A hardened heart is a result of a failure to guard one’s heart. The wisdom is do the guarding right so you won’t have to harden it to survive.
Why would mr satan want hardened hearts? Well, it’s the closest state to what the Bible describes as a reprobate mind. If you loose at a heart level your mind is the final frontier and the last to go. You become virtually insane. God has at that point left you to yourself. At this stage your natural conscience no longer works. You cannot (even if you wanted to) discern and distinguish between good and evil. In fact a system of this level of lost-ness is a distinctive trait of inverting good and evil. You are then in a malfunctioning state where every good thing or person or circumstance you see, you will label evil and will call good evil. Your heart and mind can no longer interpret correctly. What’s worse is you will thoroughly believe yourself to be righteous and will fight those who rightfully disagree with you. In that calloused state, you will hate and attack righteousness with a sense of justice and you will only be able to tolerate those who are on the same inverted page as you. You are in an upside down place. That’s why we must take extra care not to join those who are allergic to righteous judgement from people. Sometimes you’re in a state where your heart can’t tell or you might just need an extra push or conviction. Iron is needed to sharpen iron that’s why your circle is vital. The scariest part about the reprobate mind state is you won’t see it. You become so blind that You cannot even know it. THAT IS YOUR PUNISHMENT.
Hell and the Lake of Fire are only the final 2 steps in a very long line of punishments that evil/wicked people receive throughout their time alive on earth. God doesn’t need to curse you, you’ve punished yourself by disobeying Him. The consequences of violating His loving laws ARE your punishments. The law of GOD carries within itself the policing power to judge every sinner. Why do you think Jesus’s blood is so vital in the equation of sin and death? For instance, ‘thou shalt not murder’ carries within itself ‘if you do you would most likely be killed yourself when you’re caught’ And ‘thou shalt not commit adultery’ carries within itself otherwise any evil spirit and aggrieved person because of it who seeks to harm you spiritually and otherwise might be permitted to succeed’. See how that works? The instruction of GOD are spiritual laws governing the universe with consequences and punishments embedded/attached. In the same vein, the sin of rebellion i.e, insisting on disobeying God’s laws and constantly ignoring His warnings to your heart carries within itself the eventual punishment of a reprobate mind. I don’t care who you are, we can all hear God. If Cain could hear Him AFTER murdering his brother Abel and a freaking donkey understood the danger of proceeding in disobedience to God’s instructions, you 100% can to. (At least until you reach the reprobate state). The billion pound questions are how much do you ignore The CREATOR’s promptings to you now? and how long do you think you’re going to be allowed to get away with it unharmed? Animals understand the difference between things that are good and those that are bad for them. What does it say when you a human loose you ability to make this distinction?The punishment of a reprobate mind is like a pre-sentencing judgment being made on a person. How? Because if you can never know you’re wrong, then you can never repent. If you can never repent, you will never change. If you can never change then you’re no different from the fallen angel on death row. God has at that point given up on you and conceded to your Will. He gave you a choice between eternity with Him or without Him, you’ve made your choice and He has respected it. The fallen angel might even be better than you in this state because at least he knows what’s coming while you can’t even see it. Any human at this stage might as well be walking with a tag that reads ‘future resident of hell’
The world is now in such a state where maintaining a healthy heart before The LORD is a feat only dared by the brave. The sin seed has so spread that the logical response to the lovelessness of the world often seems to be just becoming cold and hard as a coping mechanism. If you read the Bible this regression wouldn’t shock or alert you because we’re told that the love of many will grow cold.
The cold hearted person will fit right it. You’ll even be applauded as stunning and brave when you’re hard and bitter and cruel. It takes courage and intention to reject the pain cycle, refusing to inflict your pain on other and choosing to love by turning your heart over to God instead to heal the pain you’ve been inflicted with. God calls this a heart of flesh. This state of heart is practically impossible in this day without the active and constant workings of The Holy Spirit in your life. The only two alternatives to surrendering your pain to GOD seem to be eventually developing a reprobate mind (which equals death in hell) or suicidal (which leads to death and a failed life). It takes intention with the power of GOD to break this cycle. Attempting to ‘be good person’ without God is exhausting and fruitless.
Don’t know about you, but I choose GOD. If it helps you though, see it as not letting the satan win. No hurting others, No suicide now, no reprobate mind later and no hell ever. Yes you sent someones to hurt me but No, I will not become what you want me to become. I unsubscribe from your sin funnel. I will turn to GOD, HE will heal me and I will be the light He designed and launched me to be. That’s really just on that.”
Trust me? youuuu want to seek The LORD now that He may still be found, cus If you get to reprobate??? you’re done done. Summary, Don’t allow evil people make you jaded.
[…] this is right’ not unconditionally or blindly. Remember what I said about the word of God in this blog? That scripture also means ‘children don’t obey your parents who and Outside of The […]