“…They Are How I Know That It Is Entirely Possible For The Whole World To Be Aware Of Or Know A Truth That Would Help You And JUST NOT SAY ANYTHING. For a myriad of reasons of course but still.
Not to mention of course that THIS IS HOW we eventually all land at loving the grass on our own sides of the fence. Notice that I didn’t say liking it? I said loving it. There IS a difference. Kindov like how we’re expected by God to love our enemies but never instructed to like them.
For anyone who thinks that this is somehow ungodly, then consider how GOD says He loves so much that He keeps on giving good things even to the wicked like the sun and rain but simultaneously says that He remains angry with and disgusted by them daily.
So to be clear, Essentially, He (GOD) stays gracious and kind towards them (as in all evil people) through out the entire duration of their lives while simultaneously watching them patiently as they all inch closer and closer every day to His predetermined day of wrath. Ain’t that something? WILD isn’t it?
K, well, there’s your answer. If that’s not the prime example of loving yet not liking, then I donno what is.”
Weaponized ignorance is a thing. OBVIOUSLY It’s possible to also like what you love.