“Ever met those Christians that just make the title seem ironic? Like I hear what you’re calling yourself but I also see NO trace of The Christ you’re clamming in your CHRIST-Ian title. No one can tell you’re set apart by the by the way you live. How is it that there’s no evidence of Christ in your particular brand of CHRIST-ian? Enlightened us. Honestly? some Christians would be better off just rightfully identifying as anti-Christians instead because it would be a way more fitting label. Like who do you think you’re fooling? We’ve all read about Christ and now know Him personally and you sir/ma’am sound and act nothing like Him so we will respect you more if you just stop and own being a heathen. If you’re like me then you frequently find yourself looking at or hearing about modern Christians and just thinking 🤔 ‘Yeah I know what you are but I also know that I’m definitely not whatever that it. Ever so often though, you’d run into a random person and think ‘YOU!, this thing that you are sounds, feels and looks a lot more like me and I’m pretty sure society doesn’t have a category for what we are’. At this juncture some might think wow that’s awfully judggy of you honey, my answer? Is It? is it even close to being enough in your eyes? To those people allergic to judgement first of all you do it everyday. You’d be dead without making right judgement calls throughout your life. Secondly, I hope I never have to repeat that I am not in charge of your eternal destination (obviously GOD decides that) but i am called to righteously distinguish between right and wrong and good & evil. We all are and so i will. All that to say that I did some learning on the word ‘Christian’ and turns out pagan Romans looked at the earliest followers of Christ living amongst them and gave them the nick name Christian, as in Like-Christ. My thing is why have we decided to accept a name given to us by ancient pagans (probably out of a mixture of mockery and spite) and now taken it on as our identity? All these years later nobody bothered to ask what Jesus Actually called us? Jesus didn’t give His people any collective name besides CHURCH. This is because well, He never intended to found another religion. That’s a topic to be discussed another day but think it through logically, why would He? when He came to destroy religion and establish relationship with God? He aggravated the religion so successfully that religious folks murdered Him for it? Granted, that was His plan the whole time but still. God never gave us that name. We were never meant to be called Christians. The way I see it, a person is either a child of God (Current citizen of Heaven) or a son of satan (current citizen of earth and future occupant of the firey lake) That’s it. Those are the only categories of people if you boil it down to the heart of the matter. Through out scripture I’ve been trying to find the words Jesus actually used to identify His people. It was always My Church, Those who believer in Me, (as in Believers), sons of God, children of God, but never Christian. Paul used the word but along with ‘Brethren’, ‘Saints’(only Christ’s blood atonement makes this even possible) and ‘Followers of The Way’. Here’s the thing names matter. Who names you matters even more. I refuse to identify by a name crafted in pagan mind ages ago probably as a slur considering all the brutal murdering they went on to do to said Christians just for sport. Forgive me but no thanks on me giving you a chance to name me. One might say, babe just go with the flow, 🙄 not everything is deep enough to be analyzed and deconstructed, to that I’d say, call yourself whatever you want just don’t expect me to keep doing the same. Also, notice that I didn’t ask you to join me? ANYWAY, I’m still seeking out what I’d eventually accept and I should probably pray and make sure to avoid changing my mind over and over but we’ ll see. For the time being, hi, my name’s Honey and I used to identify as a Christian. New official title description soon to be declared. Also, are you Kidding? NO ONE is like Christ, that’s the point. Don’t common-nize Him. Sounds like a compliment to your ego but it’s not to His person. To me, it praises man and takes a sly dig at God the Son with one shot. We’re His siblings at best not Him.”
Ambassador sound close, Princess Ambassador sounds great. 😂 (familial yet official, nice. I like a lot) 😉