“No wonder. The Holy Spirit’s presence is unmistakable in the life of a person. If there’s no evidence of Him, it’s because He’s not there. Of course what this means is that one can be saved without having a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, that also infers that such a person’s salvation is still liable to be a toss up because the ‘not everyone who calls me Lord’ crowd and the ‘Lord we cast out demons in your name’ lot are most like coming out of this lot.
These are the spiritual gamblers who deceive themselves and the unseeing ignorant around them presenting themselves as light. Wolves on pulpits and in the pews. The question is, How would they know when they’ve finally crossed the line of being saved to becoming almost the goats when they do their utmost best to make their lifestyles so incredibly similar as to be indistinguishable from the unbeliever’s? (especially in secret)
Have you ever seen a tare plant before? I was stunned when I sow a picture. Finally that parable made complete sense. Pictures below. They look almost identical to the wheat that’s why even you would find it hard to discern them are not like you. Thankfully God sees is all clear as day. You might fool everyone including yourself but you can never fool Him.
Some Christians FINALLY make absolute sense to me now All of a sudden I have need to tilt my head at some Christians anymore. If holiness was impossible the we wouldn’t be instructed to be it and given The Holy Spirit to help ensure that we are. Don’t know what you believe about the char of God but He doesn’t send us on wild goose chases. If He said, He means it and meant to say it.
There is supposed to be a stark clear difference between children of God and children of darkness. If there isn’t it’s because the environments and institutions such as marriage, families, and churches have created enabling atmospheres for blatant and unrepentant sin thereby making Lukewarmness the acceptable benchmark. That’s why scriptures like ‘for all have sinned’ are more popular than the ones that instruct us to be holy. This tolerance of continuous sinful living by so called children of God is what case caused moral grounds to be ceded and makes for the salt deficient society we have now
If the children of God to my right and left are both being the salt of the world I will be challenged to keep my own salinity and hold the proverbial fort. But when the lights and salts around you have lost their salinity and are indistinguishable from darkness then you have the world we live in.
Another person’s holiness is designed to keep you alert and judge yourself into correction before anyone gets the chance to judge you because you know your own hearts sins better than anybody. But in a world where those who tempt you into sin the most are Christians then you’re already half defeated.
It’s no secret that the system whilst spouting sermons about the need for tolerance haze become increasingly intolerant to children of light. The most oppress minority on the globe right now are Christians. When they are hurt and attack the world virtue signals concern for a hot minute the reclines into its usual silence. Everyone’s rights seem to matter unless you’re a Christian.
So I fully understand the temptation to go with the flow and be lukewarm and God know this hardships too. They killed Him for the same reason remember? So He understands. In spite of this intimate knowledge of your pain however He has still demanded your courage to be light and salt right there where He has placed you. He doesn’t mince words with the fact that we will suffer for him now what He promises is to be with you and reward you in the end IF you overcome.
Being surrounded by Believers who understand this reality and accept the call of this responsibility therefore becomes all the more important. Some of your worst persecutions will unfortunately come from supposedly fellow believers who think you are ‘doing too much’. They will mock you, shame you, ignore and sideline you, actively attack you because your shining light makes them uncomfortable in their lukewarm dullness. It exposes their shabby work for God and just by being you even if you didn’t utter a word the feel judged.
That’s the wrong reaction to watching a believer live out his faith to the fullest around you. You should be inspired, challenged and triggered to take your own walk with God seriously however more often than not, they be the one allowing themselves to be used of satan to make you recline and receded back into a life of Lukewarmness which would make them much more comfortable to be around you.
If your presence in my vicinity is predicated on the dimming of my light for God then you are according to scripture, to be marked and avoided and prayed for and loved on from afar. This is the counsel of God on this matter because it is far easier to pull down than to raise a person up. Especially if the one being pulled up is unwilling and uncommitted to being raised.
I find that lukewarm Christians are some of the most sin-filled people you’ll ever be around. Which makes then the most dangerous because it’s easy to forget to die earn their fruits due to the veneer of Christ’s name that the claim. They are the boys in the clubs who all cheer one each others fornication and eventual adulteries and the girls who gossip incessantly and waste all their time knowing everybody’s gist while envious slandering them to one another not to mention their own fornications in the name of trying to find a husband. Christian circles are filled with such people and no wonder witnessing to a world that sees your blatant disobedience to your God whom you claim to love and be devoted to is practically impossible. The sinner remains unaffected by your presence because you’re living the same life so why would they listen to you? What makes your own sin filled existence better than theirs. People don’t yet realize that your primary witness isn’t your words, it’s your whole life. How you live that reflects a culture of Heaven and its King and yes the results of The Kings blessings which aren’t I’ll gotten, your marriage and children’s living testimonies all of this IS your witness. Not the scripture you quote or the sermon you preach. Today a typical Christian youth’s lifestyle is virtually indistinguishable from a non-believer.
When you refuse to joint the boarder line Christian in gossip or fornicating in such circles, they will turn on you because you’re seen as ‘doing too much’. The will attack you either overtly or covertly in hopes that you will give up and give in to just going with the flow and joining them to be the same. Some of the hardest places to be light is not amongst the children of darkness it’s amongst these grey-area folks. Of course they won’t say any of this to you, you’ll have to watch their fruit and cunning ways to fish this particular gem out. That’s why Jesus could hang out with outright sinners than the almost saved religious folks. Their joint hypocrisy is a web that would disgust anyone truly filled with the Holy Spirit. If you’ve ever wondered why Jesus often seems particularly harsh with this lot now you know why.
God would rather you be hot or cold. Good or bad at least when know where to place you. Those folks in the middle are repulsive enough to God to be ‘spat out’ that is a response to disgust. So if The Holy Spirit lives in you, you will feel the same. These ones trying to mix light and darkness are the most incidious of all kinds of people that’s why our instruction not to witness to them but avoid them is not harsh but wise. It’s not that they don’t know, they just don’t want to do it but they don’t want people to think they don’t want to live for God so they must repent. Anyone who would be brazen enough as to be two faced with God will be two faced with you.
To the wheats being attacked for being who God has instructed us to be, stay strong, stand firm and learn to lean on The Holy Spirit for all your comfort and always remember that Obedience to The Lord in all areas of life is not legalism. It is wise love that God is very proud of.
Lastly, if you’ve ever been deceived by a tare before, shake it off and let it go. I know it hurts but you will heal. Can’t you see that they are weirdly similar? So much that God insists of doing the sorting Himself because it that difficult. Having the Holy Spirit in you sure makes it easier over time. Get your flesh out the way and just believe what He says and you’ll get better and better accuracy at telling people apart and discerning spirits excellently. The more you trust Him, the better your results. That is my counsel to you who has Him.”
As GOD sorts at the end through events like the falling away before it culminates in the infamous harpazo, some wheat looking people around you might actually be discovered to be tares. Might be wise to brace yourself now and resolve not allow anyone else’s fall to affect your stand and faith in The LORD.